# 开屏页

<view class="paper-body">
  <view class="paper-wrapper">
    <view class="paper-onboarding">
          v-for="(item,index) in list"
          v-for="(item,index) in list"
          <view class="slide-inner">
            <view class="slide-title">
              {{ item.title }}
            <view class="slide-text">
              {{ item.text }}
const zswiper = ref();
const list = ref([{
  bgColor: '#6002EE',
  fillStyle: {},
  url: '../../../static/images/banks.svg',
  title: 'Banks',
  text: 'Banks are financial institutions that provide a wide range of financial services, including savings accounts, loans, investment opportunities, and more.',
}, {
  bgColor: '#008386',
  fillStyle: {},
  url: '../../../static/images/hotels.svg',
  title: 'Hotels',
  text: 'Hotels are establishments that offer accommodation, amenities, and services to travelers and guests, providing a comfortable and convenient stay away from home.',
}, {
  bgColor: '#a41fa8',
  fillStyle: {},
  url: '../../../static/images/business.svg',
  title: 'Business',
  text: 'Business involves activities aimed at creating products or services, generating profits, and contributing to the economy.',
}, {
  bgColor: '#007700',
  fillStyle: {},
  url: '../../../static/images/checkmark.svg',
  title: 'Done',
  text: 'Now you can continue using it.',
const options = {
  effect: 'creative',
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  speed: 500,
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  pagination: {
    el: true,
    clickable: true,
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    progressMultiplier: 2,
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      opacity: 0,
      translate: [0, -128, 0],
    next: {
      opacity: 0,
      translate: [0, 128, 0],
const fillsStyle = ref({});
const fillStyleList = ref([{
  fillStyle: {},
  fillStyle: {},
  fillStyle: {},
  fillStyle: {},
onMounted(() => {
const init = () => {
  zswiper.value.swiper.on('setTranslate', (swiper) => {
  zswiper.value.swiper.on('setTransition', (swiper, duration) => {
    onTransition(swiper, duration);
const onTranslate = (swiper) => {
  const {
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  for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {
    const slideEl = slides[i];
    const slideProgress = slideEl.progress;
    const progress = 1 - Math.max(Math.min(Math.abs(slideProgress), 1), 0);
    if (slideProgress < 0) {
      fillStyleList.value[i].fillStyle.transform = `scale(${progress})`;
    } else {
      fillStyleList.value[i].fillStyle.transform = 'scale(1)';
const onTransition = (swiper, duration) => {
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    fillEl.fillStyle.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;
const calcFillSize = (direction) => {
  const res = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
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