# 1. 开始

preprocess 是条件编译的核心,可以用来解析 ifdef, ifndef, endif 等关键词,当然还可以处理 include、echo 等。

# 2. preprocessor

# 2.1. replace

内部有个 replace 方法,会根据正则 rule,依次解析 source,并传递给回调函数 processorprocessor 可以是任意处理器。

function replace(rv: string, rule: any, processor: any) {
  const isRegex = typeof rule === 'string' || rule instanceof RegExp;
  const isArray = Array.isArray(rule);

  if (isRegex) {
    rule = [new RegExp(rule, 'gmi')];
  } else if (isArray) {
    rule = rule.map((subRule: string) => new RegExp(subRule, 'gmi'));
  } else {
    throw new Error('Rule must be a String, a RegExp, or an Array.');

  return rule.reduce((rv: string, rule: RegExp) => rv.replace(rule, processor), rv);

# 2.2. processIncludeDirective

先看 processIncludeDirective,这个可以处理 #include 以及 #include-static

// 使用的地方
rv = replace(rv, opts.type.include, processIncludeDirective.bind(null, false, context, opts));
// 工具方法,读取文件内容
function getFileContents(path: string, failSilent: boolean, requesterPath: string) {
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    if (failSilent) {
      return {
        error: true,
        contents: `${path} not found!`,
    let errMsg = path;
    errMsg = requesterPath ? `${errMsg} requested from ${requesterPath}` : errMsg;
    errMsg += ' not found!';
    throw new Error(errMsg);
  return {
    error: false,
    contents: fs.readFileSync(path).toString(),

function processIncludeDirective(
  isStatic: boolean,
  context: Record<string, any>,
  opts: Record<string, any>,
  match: any,
  linePrefix = '',
  file: string,
) {
  file = (file || '').trim();
  const indent = linePrefix.replace(/\S/g, ' ');
  const includedContext: any = copy(context);
  const includedOpts: any = copy(opts);
  includedContext.src = path.join(opts.srcDir, file);
  includedOpts.srcDir = path.dirname(includedContext.src);

  const fileContents = getFileContents(includedContext.src, opts.fileNotFoundSilentFail, context.src);
  if (fileContents.error) {
    return linePrefix + fileContents.contents;

  let includedSource = fileContents.contents;
  if (isStatic) {
    includedSource = fileContents.contents;
  } else {
    includedSource = preprocessor(fileContents.contents, includedContext, includedOpts, true);

  includedSource = normalizeEol(includedSource, indent);

  if (includedSource) {
    return linePrefix + includedSource;
  return linePrefix;


// #include abc

上面的 file 就是 abc,获取到文件内容后,拼接到 linePrefix 后面。如果不是 #include-static,就递归处理获取到的文件内容。

# 2.3. ifdef

再看下 ifdef 的处理。

if (opts.type.if) {
  rv = replaceRecursive(rv, opts.type.if, (
    startMatches: Record<string | number, any>,
    endMatches: Record<string | number, any>,
    include: string,
    recurse: Function,
  ) => {
    const variant = startMatches[1];
    const test = (startMatches[2] || '').trim();
    switch (variant) {
      case 'if':
      case 'ifdef':
        return testPasses(test, context)
          ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
          : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input);
      case 'ifndef':
        return !testPasses(test, context)
          ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
          : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input);
        //      case 'ifdef':
        //        return typeof getDeepPropFromObj(context, test) !== 'undefined'
        // ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
        // : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input) // fixed by xxxxxx
        //      case 'ifndef':
        //        return typeof getDeepPropFromObj(context, test) === 'undefined'
        // ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
        // : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input) // fixed by xxxxxx
        throw new Error(`Unknown if variant ${variant}.`);

先调用 replaceRecursive,递归处理正则。这里用了 xregexp 三方库的 matchRecursive 方法,用来方便的递归。

# 2.4. replaceRecursive

以下面这段字符串为例,看看 matchRecursive 方法返回了什么:

const content = `
// #ifdef H5
// #endif

// #ifndef H5
// #endif

// 预设的 if 正则
if: {
  start: '[ \t]*(?://|/\\*)[ \t]*#(ifndef|ifdef|if)[ \t]+([^\n*]*)(?:\\*(?:\\*|/))?(?:[ \t]*\n+)?',
  end: '[ \t]*(?://|/\\*)[ \t]*#endif[ \t]*(?:\\*(?:\\*|/))?(?:[ \t]*\n)?',

const matches = XRegExp.matchRecursive(content, rule.start, rule.end, 'gmi', {
  valueNames: ['between', 'left', 'match', 'right'],

matches 结果如下,就是对字符串根据正则进行了分割。

  { name: 'between', value: '\n', start: 0, end: 1 },
  { name: 'left', value: '// #ifdef H5\n', start: 1, end: 14 },
  { name: 'match', value: "console.log('1');\n", start: 14, end: 32 },
  { name: 'right', value: '// #endif\n', start: 32, end: 42 },
  { name: 'between', value: '\n', start: 42, end: 43 },
  { name: 'left', value: '// #ifndef H5\n', start: 43, end: 57 },
  { name: 'match', value: "console.log('2');\n", start: 57, end: 75 },
  { name: 'right', value: '// #endif\n', start: 75, end: 85 },
    name: 'between',
    value: "\nconsole.log('3');\n",
    start: 85,
    end: 104

replaceRecursive 方法对遍历 matches,走到 right 时,对捕获到的 matchGroup.match 进行递归处理:

const matchGroup: Record<string, any> = {
  left: null,
  match: null,
  right: null,

return matches.reduce((builder: string, match: {
  name: string;
  value: string;
}) => {
  switch (match.name) {
    case 'between':
      builder += match.value;
    case 'left':
      matchGroup.left = startRegex.exec(match.value);
    case 'match':
      matchGroup.match = match.value;
    case 'right':
      matchGroup.right = endRegex.exec(match.value);
      // 不同的 preprocessOptions.type 对应的 processor 不同
      builder += processor(matchGroup.left, matchGroup.right, matchGroup.match, matchReplacePass);
  return builder;
}, '');

# 2.5. processor

不同的 preprocessOptions.type 对应的上面的 processor 不同,对于 if,就会判断是否满足条件,如果满足条件,则返回 recurse(include),即 matchReplacePass(matchGroup.match)

switch (variant) {
  case 'if':
  case 'ifdef':
    return testPasses(test, context)
      ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
      : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input);
  case 'ifndef':
    return !testPasses(test, context)
      ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
      : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input);
    //      case 'ifdef':
    //        return typeof getDeepPropFromObj(context, test) !== 'undefined'
    // ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
    // : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input) // fixed by xxxxxx
    //      case 'ifndef':
    //        return typeof getDeepPropFromObj(context, test) === 'undefined'
    // ? (padContent(startMatches.input) + recurse(include) + padContent(endMatches.input))
    // : padContent(startMatches.input + include + endMatches.input) // fixed by xxxxxx
    throw new Error(`Unknown if variant ${variant}.`);

对于 exclude 类型的 preprocessOptions.type,如果满足条件的话,就会排除recurse(include)

if (opts.type.exclude) {
  rv = replaceRecursive(rv, opts.type.exclude, (
    startMatches: Array<string>,
    endMatches: Array<string>,
    include: string,
    recurse: Function,
  ) => {
    const test = (startMatches[1] || '').trim();
    return testPasses(test, context) ? '' : recurse(include);

对于 extend 类型的 preprocessOptions.type,如果满足条件的话,

echo 类型的话,就会获取对应的 value,然后拼接。

rv = replace(rv, opts.type.echo, (match: any, variable: string) => {
  variable = (variable || '').trim();
  // if we are surrounded by quotes, echo as a string
  const stringMatch = variable.match(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/);
  if (stringMatch) return stringMatch[2];

  return getDeepPropFromObj(context, (variable || '').trim());


# 3. 一些有用的片段

获取 eol 以及 替换 eol

function getEolType(source: string) {
  let eol;
  let foundEolTypeCnt = 0;

  if (source.indexOf('\r\n') >= 0) {
    eol = '\r\n';
    foundEolTypeCnt += 1;
  if (/\r[^\n]/.test(source)) {
    eol = '\r';
    foundEolTypeCnt += 1;
  if (/[^\r]\n/.test(source)) {
    eol = '\n';
    foundEolTypeCnt += 1;

  if (eol == null || foundEolTypeCnt > 1) {
    eol = os.EOL;

  return eol;

function normalizeEol(source: string, indent = '') {
  // only process any kind of EOL if indentation has to be added, otherwise replace only non \n EOLs
  if (indent) {
    source = source.replace(/(?:\r?\n)|\r/g, `\n${indent}`);
  } else {
    source = source.replace(/(?:\r\n)|\r/g, '\n');

  return source;

function restoreEol(normalizedSource: string, originalEol: string) {
  if (originalEol !== '\n') {
    normalizedSource = normalizedSource.replace(/\n/g, originalEol);

  return normalizedSource;

# 4. 总结

如果有前后两个关键词,比如 ifdef/endif, exclude/endexclude,就用 replaceRecursive,否则就用 replace


  1. 精确、丰富的正则
  2. 严谨的递归
  3. 防止多种类型的相互影响