# Barrage

To realize the critical subtitle function when watching the video.

# Usage

# Basic Usage

<press-barrage v-model="list">
  <div class="video" style="width: 100%; height: 150px"></div>
<press-space style="margin-top: 10px">
  <press-button @click="add" type="primary" size="small"> barrage </press-button>
export default {
  setup() {
    const defaultList = [
      { id: 100, text: 'Lightweight' },
      { id: 101, text: 'Customizable' },
      { id: 102, text: 'Mobile' },
      { id: 103, text: 'Vue' },
      { id: 104, text: 'Library' },
      { id: 105, text: 'PressUI' },
      { id: 106, text: '666' },

    const list = ref([...defaultList]);
    const add = () => {
      list.value.push({ id: Math.random(), text: 'Barrage' });
    return { list, add };

# Imitate video barrage

<press-barrage v-model="list" ref="barrage" :auto-play="false">
  <div class="video" style="width: 100%; height: 150px"></div>
<press-space style="margin-top: 10px">
  <press-button @click="add" type="primary" size="small" :disabled="!isPlay">
  <press-button @click="toggle()" size="small">
    {{ isPlay ? 'pause' : 'play' }}
export default {
  setup() {
    const defaultList = [
      { id: 100, text: 'Lightweight' },
      { id: 101, text: 'Customizable' },
      { id: 102, text: 'Mobile' },
      { id: 103, text: 'Vue' },
      { id: 104, text: 'Library' },
      { id: 105, text: 'PressUI' },
      { id: 106, text: '666' },

    const list = ref([...defaultList]);
    const barrage = ref<BarrageInstance>();
    const add = () => {
      list.value.push({ id: Math.random(), text: 'Barrage' });

    const [isPlay, toggle] = useToggle(false);

    watch(isPlay, () => {
      if (isPlay.value) barrage.value?.play();
      else barrage.value?.pause();

    return { list, barrage, isPlay, toggle, add };


# Props

Attribute Description Type Default
v-model Barrage data BarrageItem[] -
auto-play Whether to play the bullet screen automatically boolean true
rows The number of lines of text number | string 4
top Spacing between the top of the barrage area, unit px number | string 10
duration Text animation duration, unit ms number | string 4000
delay Barrage animation delay, unit ms number 300
item-height Barrage height, unit px number 26

# Methods

Use ref (opens new window) to get Barrage instance and call instance methods.

Name Description Attribute Return value
play Play barrage - -
pause Pause barrage - -

# Slots

Name Description
default Default slot

# Theming

# CSS Variables

The component provides the following CSS variables, which can be used to customize styles.

Name Default Value Description
--press-barrage-font-size 16px -
--press-barrage-space 10px -
--press-barrage-color var(--press-white) -
--press-barrage-font inherit -