# TextEllipsis 文本省略

Display ellipsis for long text and support for expanding or collapsing text.

# Usage

# Basic Usage

Show one rows by default.

<press-text-ellipsis :content="text" />
export default {
  setup() {
    const text =
      'Take your time and be patient. Life itself will eventually answer all those questions it once raised for you.';
    return { text };

# Expand/Collapse

Support Expand/Collapse.

export default {
  setup() {
    const text =
      "The fleeting time of one's life is everything that belongs to a person. Only this thing truly belongs to you. Everything else is just a momentary pleasure or misfortune, which will soon be gone with the passing of time.";
    return { text };

# Customize rows

Display the number of rows by setting rows.

export default {
  setup() {
    const text =
      "That day, I turned twenty-one. In the golden age of my life, I was full of dreams. I wanted to love, to eat, and to instantly transform into one of these clouds, part alight, part darkened. It was only later that I understood life is but a slow, drawn-out process of getting your balls crushed. Day by day, you get older. Day by day, your dreams fade. In the end you are no different from a crushed ox. But I hadn't foreseen any of it on my twenty-first birthday. I thought I would be vigorous forever, and that nothing could ever crush me.";
    return { text };

# Custom Collapse Position

  • Collapse the beginning part of the content:
export default {
  setup() {
    const text =
      "That day, I turned twenty-one. In the golden age of my life, I was full of dreams. I wanted to love, to eat, and to instantly transform into one of these clouds, part alight, part darkened. It was only later that I understood life is but a slow, drawn-out process of getting your balls crushed. Day by day, you get older. Day by day, your dreams fade. In the end you are no different from a crushed ox. But I hadn't foreseen any of it on my twenty-first birthday. I thought I would be vigorous forever, and that nothing could ever crush me.";
    return { text };
  • Collapse the middle part of the content:
export default {
  setup() {
    const text =
      "That day, I turned twenty-one. In the golden age of my life, I was full of dreams. I wanted to love, to eat, and to instantly transform into one of these clouds, part alight, part darkened. It was only later that I understood life is but a slow, drawn-out process of getting your balls crushed. Day by day, you get older. Day by day, your dreams fade. In the end you are no different from a crushed ox. But I hadn't foreseen any of it on my twenty-first birthday. I thought I would be vigorous forever, and that nothing could ever crush me.";
    return { text };

# Custom Action

Use action slots to custom action.

<press-text-ellipsis :content="text">
  <template #action="{ expanded }">
    {{ expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand' }}
export default {
  setup() {
    const text =
      'Take your time and be patient. Life itself will eventually answer all those questions it once raised for you.';
    return { text };


# Props

Attribute Description Type Default
rows Number of rows displayed number | string 1
content The text displayed string -
expand-text Expand operation text string -
collapse-text Collapse operation text string -
dots Text content of ellipsis string '...'
position Can be set to start middle string 'end'

# Events

Event Description Arguments
click-action Emitted when Expand/Collapse is clicked event: MouseEvent

# Methods

Use ref (opens new window) to get TextEllipsis instance and call instance methods.

Name Description Attribute Return value
toggle Toggle expanded status expanded?: boolean -

# Slots

Name Description SlotProps
action Custom action { expanded: boolean }

# Theming

# CSS Variables

The component provides the following CSS variables, which can be used to customize styles.

Name Default Value Description
--press-text-ellipsis-action-color var(--press-blue) Color of action text
--press-text-ellipsis-line-height 1.6 Line height of text